Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Gila monster |ˈhēlə| - A venomous lizard native to the southwestern U.S. and Mexico. ORIGIN late 19th cent.: named after Gila, a river in New Mexico and Arizona.

Groove Armada - Paper Romance

This jam starts off ominously with what sounds like a giant alien stomping on a keyboard. Then the brooding lyrics jump in and you can't decide whether this song is an upper or a downer. The spaceship exhaust noise is offset with electronic steel drums and the chorus, which is the focus of the song. This song is subtle but it booms.

Priors - What You Need (Original)

So we've all heard the GRUM and DCUP remixes of this song. Frankly, I think this original is way better. Maybe I'm just grummed out. This song is catchy and makes your head nod.

LectroLips - Kiss This (Electric Garden Remix)

This is some sweet electro. Good for the floor or the car. Get it.

MVSEVM - French Jeans (Dada Life Remix)

Volume must be turned up. This is a great dance jam. It's loud, fast and has a great groove to it. It has all the elements necessary of a good house song. Check out other Dada Life Remix numbers like the cut of "Handguns" by Alex Gopher.

Friendly Fires - Bored of Each Other

It's been a while since I've listened to any Friendly Fires. I felt the need to post since the DJ threw some on at the bar on Saturday night and then my friend blasted some late night. Good tune. Very mellow and instrumental at times. Not a song for raging, but good listening nonetheless.

Caribou - Odessa

This song has been kicking around hype machine a lot the last few weeks. I dig this song. It's creepy and mellow with some good rhythm. It is reminiscent of Fujiya & Miyagi or The Greenskeepers. It's creepy and basically lacks any identifiable instruments. There's something to be said about combining a bunch of discordant noises and turning them into something catchy.

Mr Nô - He or She

This is a sweet jam I found on discodemons. It's very 80's revival beginning with a New Order sound in the beginning and then it transitions into some progressive type electronica. This one won't be for everyone. Not a lot to it but sometimes simple is all you need.

Pau y Amigos - Fiesta Permanente - Pau y Bufi

This is my foreign track for the week. Another song on the chill side. I love it. Imagine some latin woman seducing you with her haunting voice while the guy from The New Wine is playing the keyboard from "Revolving cylinders" in the background.

Javelin - STD Fury

I like this Brooklyn based group. Weird music with enough catchy to make it listenable. While the subject matter of this particular song is disturbing, it is entertaining. "Crabs, scabies, syphillis, rabies, crazy shit be on your labies." Wrap it up. This is song reminds me of songs by the wild girl trash techno group Avenue D. Catch other songs like "Lindsay Brohan".

We Have A Band - You Came Out

Sweet Indie tune. It has whistling for catchiness like 'Young Folks' combined with CSS type female lyrics all topped off with some angry electric bass and indie drums. The music video is cool and creepy too.

Make The Girl Dance - Kill Me (Audrey Katz Remix)

This song is fucking everywhere so we may as well put it up too. The original is rowdy. However, I wasn't a huge fan of the other recut floating around the blogosphere. This french group is sure to be overplayed for months to come.

Nil - Ma Disconica (Mondkopf Remix)

Threw this on there for you hardcore rave junkies.

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