Sunday, May 16, 2010

5 am Diners

I made a great discovery this weekend. Some diners serve beers in water glasses at 5 am. Victory.

In that vein, and in the general pursuit of happiness, this post is dedicated to late night roaming in the eternal city of New York.

This first track has a slick 70s feel to it. It is a great tune to have blaring in your head as you power stride down the street. Westbam hails from Germany and his inspiration comes from the band Afrika Bambaataa. The song builds for a minute before it really gets grooving.

Old School (Piano Mix) - Westbam ft. Nina

This next song is by a group called Emeralds. If you need a heavy dose of psychedelic rock then here it is.

Double Helix - Emeralds

This next group is called Wild Nothing and they sound very much like The Cure...

Chinatown - Wild Nothing

My favorite part of rumbling downtown is finding bars that play music I have never heard, but quickly love. There seems to be a growing trend of Spanish singers mixing their basics with 60s rock. The whole idea seems random, but it works well and can provide for some excellent late night dance offs (mostly between Smasher and Lazersaurus).

This first song is a Spanish version of the Rolling Stones "Get off of my cloud"

En Mi Nube - Sonya

This next song is in a similar style, and both are perfect for a very late night.

Cambio - Hurricanes

Good Night and Good Luck

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